Agricultural Machinery Data Logger [CAN Bus Data + MATLAB]
Case Studies / John Deere

John Deere
John Deere is a globally leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery, heavy equipment, forestry vehicles and more.
What problem did you solve?
We needed a modular and portable way to record CAN bus data on mule vehicles running in different field testing sites. We previously used Vector tools for this purpose.
How did you solve it?
We initially used the CL2000 CAN bus data logger. This involved recording the raw CAN data to the CL2000 SD card, then using the CANvas software to convert the data to Vector's ASC format - and finally converting that to .MAT using CANalyzer (along with the DBC file). This allowed me to get the signals I needed for my analysis in a format ready for use in MATLAB.
We since then acquired the CANedge1 and the CANmod.gps, CANmod.temp and CANmod.input to both ease the integration with MATLAB and add additional sensor-to-CAN information (GNSS/IMU, temperature and analog/digital/pulse). The CANedge enables direct conversion of the MF4 log files to Vector ASC, as well as direct integration with MATLAB.
"The CANedge/CANmod let us easily capture our CAN data - without relying on Vector tools"
What benefit has this led to?
The tools let us capture CAN data and sensor data from multiple vehicles in different locations - without relying on Vector tools.
Why did you choose the CANedge?
We switched to the CANedge1 as the SD card extraction time for the CL2000 was relatively slow via USB (~0.3 MB/s vs ~80 MB/s for the CANedge1) - and also because the CL2000 only has one CAN channel. Further, the CANedge1 enables the easy inclusion of additional sensor-to-CAN modules via the 2nd port. The goal with the transition to the CANedge/CANmod has been to be able to more quickly transfer the recorded data - and also capture additional sensor data like GPS and temperature from the vehicles.
— Julian Bellalbero, Sr. Electrical Drives Engineer, John Deere
Ready to log your CAN data?
Get your CANedge today!