Electric Race Car Data Logger with WiFi for Diagnostics
Case Studies / Ontario Tech Racing

Ontario Tech Racing
Ontario Tech Racing is a student run team, that designs, manufactures and races an EV vehicle against universities across North America.
What problem did you solve?
Our car utilizes CAN for over 90 percent of our controller communications. One of our main issues have been data analysis in the field away from the test bench. We required a system that was able to log CAN signals at relatively high bus speeds and able to save large amounts of data.
How did you solve it?
The CANedge2 fit our requirements perfectly. Using the CANedge2 with its logger and Wi-Fi capabilities we are able to log all our communication signals and upload them to our own server.
"We chose the CANedge2 for its amazing cost, quality and robustness"

What benefit has this led to?
This has vastly lowered our data processing lead times, enabling us to get critical data to our team members immediately for vehicle performance evaluation. We are now able to analyze the performance of our controllers and all the separate aspects of our vehicle, from our battery systems, to our vehicle dynamics.
Why did you choose the CANedge2?
We chose the CANedge not only because it met our requirements but also for its amazing cost, quality and robustness. Since we installed it it hasn't skipped a beat, and has proved very reliable in the field.
— Joseph Caruana, Technical Director
Ready to log your motorsports data?
Get your CANedge2 today!