Electric Scooter Telematics with WiFi/LTE CAN Logger
Case Studies / GOVECS

The GOVECS Group is a leading manufacturer of electric scooters and light vehicles in Europe with brands including Schwalbe, Elmoto loop, Govecs Flex and more.
What problem did you solve?
We were experiencing some strange behaviour related to the drive train system we're developing for an L1e electric scooter. We needed a way to diagnose and resolve the issues.
How did you solve it?
We deployed multiple CANedge2 CAN bus data loggers to collect data from the e-scooters during field usage. The devices were deployed with 3G/4G cellular WiFi routers (powered via the 2nd port) - and the data was sent to our own AWS S3 server. Using the incoming data and the asammdf GUI, we were able to identify the root cause of the problems (incl. the relevant component) - and identify when they occur.
"The CANedge2 is an essential tool in our development projects and the support is flawless!"

What benefit has this led to?
The CANedge2 devices allowed us to fully solve our problems - meaning that our customers were happy and we saved costs.
Why did you choose the CANedge2?
We selected the CANedge2 as it was recommended by one of our business partners.
— Maria Riera Palomino, Engineering Project Manager, GOVECS GROUP
Ready to collect your CAN data?
Get your CANedge2 today!