Remote Troubleshooting of Locomotives via WiFi CAN Logger
Case Studies / SCHÖMA

SCHÖMA is a leading manufacturer of tunnel locomotives with customers worldwide, including customized solutions.
What problem did you solve?
We need to record diagnostic data from our vehicles (locomotives) to assist our customers in operating and maintaining the vehicles properly. If an issue arises, we want to be able to review the data related to the event for troubleshooting purposes.
How did you solve it?
If an issue arises in a locomotive, we ask the customer to upload the contents of the CANedge2 SD card and send it to us. We then convert the data with an MF4 converter and use our own C++ based tool for post processing, visualisation and analysis. We migrated from the CL3000 to the CANedge2 and the mdf2clx000 lets us re-use our existing tools without further development.
To optimize logging, we configure the CANedge2 devices with filters and prescalers so as to ensure we only record the messages we need, at the frequency we need. This lets us focus on relevant signals like RPM, hydraulic pressure, diagnostic trouble codes etc.
Since the CANedge2 plays an important role as a blackbox for our locomotives, we want to be notified immediately if a device is for some reason not actively recording data. To do this, we use the CANedge2 'CAN heartbeat' which is sent into the locomotive CAN bus at 1 Hz. On physical HMI displays in the locomotive cabins, we've set up logics to ensure an alert is given to the operator if the CANedge2 heartbeat has not been sent for a certain amount of time.
Next year, we aim to test out new WiFi modes for the CANedge2 including the Access Point mode, so as to make the data collection simpler for our end customers in the field.
"The CANedge2 is quickly configured and put into operation"

What benefit has this led to?
If an issue arises in a locomotive, we can sometimes resolve this remotely based on the data sent by the customers from the CANedge2, thus avoiding the need for deploying a service technician.
Why did you choose the CANedge2?
We chose it mainly because it was easy to configure and install. Especially filtering of CAN messages and the electrical connection are done quickly. Also, large amounts of data can be accessed easily by using the SD card.
— Manuel Meyer, Head of Control Engineering
Ready to log your CAN data?
Get your CANedge2 today!