Maritime Telematics: Remote CAN Troubleshooting via WiFi
Case Studies / AE&M Engineering

AE&M Engineering
AE&M Engineering focuses on integrating solutions for marine and industrial automation projects.
What problem did you solve?
For our integration projects we often need to perform post incident analysis. When something happens on our system, the root cause of an issue can be a very small event which often cannot be noticed because it is too brief for the human brain to identify. In some cases, the issue may not even be visible to the operator. This often leads to mis-diagnosis because the human brain wants an answer and creates correlations that do not exist. Memory is fickle and uncertain - the CANedge memory is more reliable. Example applications include the Silent-Yacht 55 and 60, designed and equipped with SeariousPower propulsion system a brand name of AE&M Engineering.
How did you solve it?
Our systems run 24/7. We deploy the CANedge2 to record 100% of the CAN traffic, 100% of the time. This way, we can always go back to a historical event to perform diagnostics. Older data is eventually discarded via our retention policy. We use the asammdf GUI and our proprietary DBC files to quickly perform analyses of the signals, letting us isolate the root cause - and take the necessary corrective actions. The data we record is a mix, mostly proprietary CAN messages, with some some J1939 and NMEA 2000 included.
"Today, we will not do a project without a CANedge2 installed - and maintaining the device connectivity is now part of the warranty period requirement for our products"

What benefit has this led to?
We are a very small company with customers globally. The CANedge2 has allowed us to provide an after sales service level beyond most larger companies - for a very reasonable investment cost.
One of my friends (who I recommended the CANedge2 to) recently called to thank me as the CANedge2 was able to save his butt when a dispute arose with a vendor regarding system performance requirements.
Why did you choose the CANedge2?
To this day we do not know of any product as efficient and versatile as the CANedge2. The ability to locally store the data, then transmit to the cloud autonomously is the key feature that attracted us. A boat is often out of range of any WiFi/cellular coverage. Being able to store the data locally on an SD card is a must. During out-of-coverage periods the data can be logged - and once the boat reaches its destination (and regains internet access), the CANedge2 safely transfers all of the data to the cloud, where we can retrieve it 24/7 in a secure manner.
— Jean-Marc Zanni, President
Ready to record your maritime data?
Get your CANedge2 today!