Recording Work Vehicle Driving Behavior through CAN Logging
Case Studies / Toyota

Toyota Motor
About: Toyota Motor is the World's largest car manufacturer with revenues of ~250 bnUSD. Based in Japan, Toyota sold 10,000,000 vehicles globally in 2017
What problem did you solve?
We were trying to understand the standard use of a work vehicle to ensure it was designed properly for customer usage. In particular, we needed to collect the car's CAN bus data with a method where the driver didn't have to do anything.
How did you solve it?
We used the CLX000 to log data to the internal SD card, which allowed us to post analyse the CAN bus data and quickly verify that our product was designed properly.
What benefit has this led to?
We managed to save time and quickly move forward with our project
"The CLX000 is low cost and easy to use - and enables data logging without driver interaction with the logger"
Why did you choose the CLX000?
Based on online information, it was a good match to our case - and very low cost!
— Rob MacArthur , Engineer, Electrified Vehicle Control, Toyota North America R&D
The CANedge1 - 2 x CAN bus data logger with SD & RTC
The CANedge series is the 2nd generation of the CLX000 - specifically optimized for logging CAN data to an SD card. The CANedge1 is a professional-grade 2 x CAN/LIN data logger with SD & RTC - learn more below:
Ready to log your CAN data?
Get your CAN logger today!